董珮如助理教授/Mary Valey Gunawan,Cynthia Chrisnina F., Jordi Gunawan/ 2024大學生國際經貿與商務專題競賽冠軍
董珮如助理教授/Do Ngoc Tuong Vy,Le Thi Kim Anh, Nguyen Nguyen Phuong/第九屆新創盃全球大專校院暨高中職創意創新創業企劃競賽大專組英文簡報組/冠軍
Dr. Joseph/Ncedile/2024 National Science and Technology Council College Student Research Scholarship/
Dr. Pei-Ju Tung/Vanessia Sofian Susanto/2024 National Science and Technology Council College Student Research Scholarship
Dr. Bruno Di Giusto/ Jenny Stephana Wedjine Merise /2024 National Science and Technology Council College Student Research Scholarship
Dr. Chen Ho/Hoang Thu Thuy/2024 National Science and Technology Council College Student Research Scholarship
何珍副教授|Tran Thanh Xuan, 吳昱萱|國際學生與本地生對台灣新常態校園生活觀點之探討:以學習倦怠及學習復原力為自變因子|2023第二十二屆北商大學術論壇國際企業經營管理研討會|2023.05
王淳玄副教授|Trac Khanh Vinh, An Dam Trang Linh, Katherine Burgos, Thanawit Apichayanon|Examining the Relationship between Firm’s ESG and Financial Performance: The Case of Taiwan|2023.03
王淳玄副教授|Le Tr Ung Tin, Vu Thi Thanh Xu An, Vu Ngoc Minh Tu, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Ngan|The Relationship between Stock Split and Insider Trading: The Case of Vietnam Stock Markets|2023 Academic Conference on Management and Innovation|2023.03
蔡宏達助理教授|Kezia A. Joshua, Cherrisa V. Marcell, Blythe M. R. Miguel, Novita|The Effect of Gender-Based Discrimination in Organizations: Evidence from Individual Differences|MCU 2023 International Symposia on Striving for Excellence in Higher Education|2023.05
董珮如助理教授|Athika Guo, Becky Chen, Mary Joy Veniegas|The Effect of Advertising Appeal and Gen Zs’ Attitude towards Healthy Food on Purchase Intention|2023國際商務與經營研討會|2023.06
王淳玄副教授|Trac Khanh Vinh, An Dam Trang Linh, Katherine Burgos, Thanawit Apichayanon|Examining the Relationship between Firm’s ESG and Financial Performance: The Case of Taiwan|2023.03
王淳玄副教授|Le Tr Ung Tin, Vu Thi Thanh Xu An, Vu Ngoc Minh Tu, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Ngan|The Relationship between Stock Split and Insider Trading: The Case of Vietnam Stock Markets|2023 Academic Conference on Management and Innovation|2023.03
蔡宏達助理教授|Kezia A. Joshua, Cherrisa V. Marcell, Blythe M. R. Miguel, Novita|The Effect of Gender-Based Discrimination in Organizations: Evidence from Individual Differences|MCU 2023 International Symposia on Striving for Excellence in Higher Education|2023.05
董珮如助理教授|Athika Guo, Becky Chen, Mary Joy Veniegas|The Effect of Advertising Appeal and Gen Zs’ Attitude towards Healthy Food on Purchase Intention|2023國際商務與經營研討會|2023.06